Siri on Apple Watch
Siri can perform tasks and deliver answers right on Apple Watch. Try asking Siri to do things that usually take you a couple steps
You’ll find suggestions of things you can ask Siri throughout this guide—they look like this:
Ask Siri. Say something like:
“Start a 30-minute outdoor run.”
“Hey, Siri, tell Kathleen I’m almost finished.”
“Show me the Heartbeat glance.”
“What kinds of things can I ask you?”

Ask Siri to perform a task. Just raise Apple Watch or tap the screen, then say “Hey, Siri” followed by your request. You can also press and hold the Digital Crown until you see the listening indicator at the bottom of the screen, then say your request and release the Digital Crown. To reply to a question from Siri or just continue the conversation, hold down the Digital Crown and speak.